
Enriching Preschool Journey: Learning Through Play

Welcome to our Preschool Program, where we provide full-time preschool care for children aged 2 1/2 years to 5 years old. Our center has a capacity for 56 children, with the junior+ senior preschool room (Butterfly room) accommodating children in two groups of 16, and the (Sunshine room) is licensed for 24 children.

Our dedicated Early Childhood Educators creatively plan the program, incorporating a balance of age-appropriate teacher-directed activities and opportunities for free play. Based on observations of the children’s interests, we follow the principles of “How Does Learning Happen?” set forth by the Ministry of Education. During circle time, our educators engage the children in group educational activities, providing a structured and stimulating learning environment. By having the same educators for circle time and lunch, we ensure continuity and foster a deeper understanding of your child’s development and eating habits. Detailed program activities are posted outside each of the program rooms, keeping parents informed and engaged in their child’s learning journey.

Each morning, before teacher-directed programming begins, children are offered a nutritious morning snack, typically consisting of breakfast-type foods such as cereal and milk or bagels. After a morning filled with engaging indoor and outdoor play, lunchtime provides an opportunity for children to refuel and recharge. We also offer afternoon snacks to keep their energy levels up throughout afternoon. For a sample menu and further information about our kitchen, please visit our Nutrition page.

Outdoor play is an essential component of our preschool program, and we are proud to have two spacious yards that meet all CSA standards. Preschoolers have access to age-appropriate equipment, activities, and toys that support their physical development and encourage active play. Both yards provide a beautiful natural setting, allowing children to connect with nature and develop a lifelong love for physical activity. Our preschoolers have additional options such as riding trikes on our bike path, playing soccer and other physical games, exploring and creating in our large sandbox, climbing and sliding on play structures, and enjoying quiet moments with a book under the shade of our trees.

Toilet Learning is not a requirement upon enrollment in the junior preschool room. We introduce the process once your child has settled and shows signs of readiness. Our Preschool bathrooms are designed to promote independence, with child-sized sinks and toilets. Our educators and parents work together as partners to ensure your child’s success.

After a healthy and satisfying lunch, it’s time for rest. Your child will have a child-sized cot assigned to them, placed in the same spot ensuring their comfort and security. To create a serene and relaxing atmosphere, we provide low lighting and soft music. We encourage children to bring a soft blanket and toy from home, further enhancing their sense of comfort. After resting for one hour, a Waker’s Program is offered to gently ease children back into the afternoon activities.

We are committed to providing a comprehensive preschool experience that nurtures your child’s growth and development. With a focus on educational programming, nutritious meals, outdoor exploration, toilet learning support, and restful nap time, our center is dedicated to creating a positive and enriching environment for your child.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

We encourage parents to start their first day with 2-hour visit from 9:00 to 11:00. This visit is just long enough to become a bit familiar without missing their parent too much. The second day is a visit until 12:00 they would stay and have lunch and the third day would be a full day.

All children should be at daycare by 9.30 AM to allow them to play inside and outside to participate in the program’s activities. If your child has a dental or medical appointment they may arrive late up until 11.00 AM.
Under no circumstances are they allowed to arrive at sleep time or afterward.

No, they do not. If they haven’t started to train, we would not start the process until they settle into the program and there are signs of readiness. Please talk with you child’s Educator before sending them in underwear. it is always better they begin this process at home and have a successful weekend before starting at the center.